This is a snapshot of the papers in my private library, as of August 20, 2018. These papers cover topics in time-based productivity related to motivation.
Document | Name | ||||||||||||||||
A | Generalizable | Scale | of | Propensity | to | Plan | Time | Money | Lynch | Netemeyer | Spiller | Zammit.pdf | |||||
A | multinomial | model | of | event-based | prospective | memory | Smith | Bayen.pdf | |||||||||
A | role | for | memory | in | prospective | timing | informs | timing | in | prospective | memory | Waldum | Sahakyan.pdf | ||||
A | Virtual | Week | study | of | prospective | memory | function | in | autism | Henry.pdf | |||||||
Action | Phases | and | Mind | Sets | Gollwitzer.pdf | ||||||||||||
Beyond | self-tracking | and | reminders | - | designing | smartphone | apps | for | habit | Stawarz | Cox | Blandford | 2015.pdf | ||||
Combining | motivational | and | volitional | interventions | to | promote | exercise | Milne | et | al | (2002).pdf | ||||||
Comparing | Time | and | Event | Based | Prospective | Memory | Effects | of | Delay | Conte.pdf | |||||||
Concurrent | Task | Management | and | Prospective | Memory | - | Pilot | Error.pdf | |||||||||
Control | of | Cost | in | Prospective | Memory | - | Scullin | McDaniel | Einstein.pdf | ||||||||
Correcting | Memory | Improves | Accuract | of | Predicted | Task | Duration | Roy | Mitten | Christenfeld | 2008.pdf | ||||||
Diminished | confidence | in | prospectie | memory | causes | dobts | and | urges | to | check | Cuttler.pdf | ||||||
Disassociable | Neural | Routes | to | Successful | Prospective | Memory | McDaniel | LaMontagne.pdf | |||||||||
Do | written | goals | really | make | a | difference | UGM | Briefing | Matthews.pdf | ||||||||
Does | Changing | Behavioral | Intentions | Engender | Beahvior | Change | Webb | Sheeran.pdf | |||||||||
Effect | of | age | on | event-based | and | time-based | prospective | memory | Park.pdf | ||||||||
Effects | of | Time | Management | Practices | on | College | Grades.pdf | ||||||||||
Emerging | themes | in | the | development | of | prospective | memory | during | childhood | 2014 | Mahy.pdf | ||||||
Encoding | of | Prospective | Tasks | in | the | Human | Prefrotnal | Cortex | under | Varying | Task | Loads | Momennajad | Haynes.pdf | |||
Episodic | future | thinking | as | a | predictor | of | childrens | prospective | memory | Nigro.pdf | |||||||
Evaluation | of | Visual | Notification | Cues.pdf | |||||||||||||
Exploring | the | Planning | Fallacy | underestimate | Buehler.pdf | ||||||||||||
Finishing | on | Time | - | when | do | predictions | influence | completion | times | Buehler.pdf | |||||||
Forgetting | of | intentions | in | demanding | situations | is | rapid | Einsten.pdf | |||||||||
Functional | neuroimaging | studies | of | prospective | memory_ | What | have | we | learnt | so | far_.pdf | ||||||
Future Thought and Behavior Change Oettingen, G. (2012). In W. Stroebe & M. Hewstone.pdf | |||||||||||||||||
Goals | Research | Summary | #2 | Gail | Matthews.pdf | ||||||||||||
Habit | and | intention | in | everyday | life | Ouellette | Wood | 1998.pdf | |||||||||
Habit | slips | - | when | consumers | unintentionally | resist | new | products | Labrecque | 2016.pdf | |||||||
Habits | a | repeat | performance | Neal | Wood | Quinn.2006_.pdf | |||||||||||
Habits in Everyday Life - Thought, Emotion, Action Wood Quinn Kashy.2002.pdf | |||||||||||||||||
Hero | Habits | Culver.pdf | |||||||||||||||
How | Are | Habits | Formed | - | Modelling | habit | formation | Lally.pdf | |||||||||
How | Are | Habits | Formed | -Modelling | Habit | Formation | in | the | Real | World.pdf | |||||||
How | Important | is | importance | for | prospective | memory | Walter | Meier.pdf | |||||||||
How | task | demands | influence | time-based | prospective | memory | performance | Martin.pdf | |||||||||
Implementation | Intentions | do | not | enhance | all | types | of | goals | Dewitte.pdf | ||||||||
Implementation | Intentions | Gollwitzer.pdf | |||||||||||||||
Individual | differences | in | event-based | prospective | memory | Brewer | knight | Marsh | unsworth.pdf | ||||||||
Internalizing | Versus | Externalizing | Control | - | Time-Based | Prospective | Memory | task | Huang | Loft | Humphreys.pdf | ||||||
Interruptions | Create | Prospective | Memory | Tasks | Dodha | Dismukes.pdf | |||||||||||
Interventions | to | promote | walking | - | sytematic | review | Ogilvie.pdf | ||||||||||
James | Clear | - | Transform | Your | Habits.pdf | ||||||||||||
Lifestyle | modification | in | the | management | of | obesity | wadden.pdf | ||||||||||
Lifestyle | modification | in | the | treatment | of | obesity | wadden | jones | wilson.pdf | ||||||||
Loads | and | loads | and | lodas | - | the | influence | of | prospective | load | in | trospective | memory | meir | zimmerman.pdf | ||
Memory | problems | at | work | Eldridge | Sellen | Bekerian.pdf | |||||||||||
Metamemory | prediction | accuracy | for | simple | prospective | and | retrospective | memory | tasks | in | 5 | year-old-children | Kvavilashvili.pdf | ||||
Overcoming | the | planning | fallacy | through | willpower | Koole | Spijker.pdf | ||||||||||
Plan formation, retention and execution in prospective memory.pdf | |||||||||||||||||
Planning | and | goal | pursuit | in | mundane | behavior | Aarts | Dijksterhuis | Midden | (1999) | |||||||
PLanning | Fallacy | Case | of | IT | Madhavan.pdf | ||||||||||||
Predictors | of | time-based | prospective | memory | in | children.pdf | |||||||||||
Prospective | Memories | in | Everday | Tasks | HolbrookDismukesHFES2009.pdf | ||||||||||||
Prospective | Memories | in | Workplace.pdf | ||||||||||||||
Prospective | memory | - | the | future | for | future | intentions | Gonen-Yaacovi | Burgess.pdf | ||||||||
Prospective | memory | in | complex | sociotechnical | systems | Grundgeiger | Sanderson | Dismukes.pdf | |||||||||
Prospective | memory | in | preschool | children | -Influences | of | agency | incentive | and | underlying | cognitive | mechanisms | Causey.pdf | ||||
Prospective | Memory | in | young | and | older | adults | Smith | Horn | Bayen.pdf | ||||||||
Prospective | Memory | Multiple | retrieval | processes | Einstein | McDaniel.pdf | |||||||||||
Prospective | Memory | Tasks | in | Aviation | effects | of | age | and | working | memory.pdf | |||||||
Prospective | memory | training | Waldum | Dufault | McDaniel.pdf | ||||||||||||
Prospective | remembering | involves | time | estimation | and | memory | processes | Block | Zakay | 2006.pdf | |||||||
Reducing | everyday | memory | and | planning | problems | with | a | pager | Wilson | Emslie | Quirk | Evans.pdf | |||||
Relations | among | prospective | memory | cognitive | abilities | and | brain | structure | in | adolescents | Robey.pdf | ||||||
Remembering | to | Perform | Actions | in | the | Future | - | can | intentions | pop | into | mind.pdf | |||||
Remembering | to | Remember | - | Anderson | McDaniel | Einstein.pdf | |||||||||||
Remembering | to | Remember | -An | examination | of | the | cognitive | processes | Anderson | McDaniel | Einstein.pdf | |||||| | |||||||||||||||||
Slow | down | and | remember | to | remember | - | a | delay | theory | of | prospective | memory | costs | Heathcote | Loft | Remington.pdf | |
Some | Comments | on | Triandis | Model | of | Choice | Behavior | in | Marketing.pdf | ||||||||
Spontaneous | retrieval | in | prospective | memory | mcdaniel | einstein.pdf | |||||||||||
Task | interference | from | prospective | memories | covaries | with | contextual | associations | Marsh | Hicks | Cook.pdf | ||||||
The | Automatic | Component | of | Habit | Orbell | Verplanken.pdf | |||||||||||
The | cognitive | cost | of | event | based | prospective | memory | in | children | Leigh.pdf | |||||||
THe | Computations | Problem | of | Prospective | Memory | Retrieval.pdf | |||||||||||
The | cost | of | remembering | to | remember | in | event-based | prospective | memory | Smith.pdf | |||||||
The | Design | of | a | Human | Memory | Prosthesis | Lamming.pdf | ||||||||||
The | development | of | future | thinking-Young | childrens | ability | to | construct | event | sequencess | Prabhakar | Hudson.pdf | |||||
The | development | of | prospective | memory | in | children | Kvavilashvili | Kyle | Messer.pdf | ||||||||
The | development | of | prospective | memory | in | preschool | children | using | naturalistic | tasks | Walsh.pdf | ||||||
The | Development | of | time-based | prospective | memory | in | childhood | - | Voigt | Mahy | Ellis.pdf | ||||||
The | effect | of | Implementation | Intention | on | prospective | memory | Chen | Wang | Liu.pdf | |||||||
The | Effect | of | Individual | Perceptions | of | Deadlines | on | Team | Performance | Waller.pdf | |||||||
The | Effects | of | Bedtime | Writing | on | Difficulty | Falling | Asleep | Scullin | Krueger | Ballard.pdf | ||||||
THe | Emergence | and | Implementation | of | health | Goals.pdf | |||||||||||
The | impact | of | age | -ongoing | task | difficulty | -and | cue | salience | on | preschoolers | prospective | memory | performance | Mahy | Moses.pdf | |
The | Power | of | prospection | mental | contrasting | behavior | change | Oettingen | Reininger.pdf | ||||||||
Theory | of | mind | and | switching | predict | prospective | memory | performance | in | adolescents | Altgassen.pdf | ||||||
Time | Allocation | and | Task | Juggling | Coviello | Ichino | persico.pdf | ||||||||||
Towards | a | new | Definition | of | unlearning | Thomas.pdf | |||||||||||
Towards | parsimony | in | habit | measurement | SRHI | Gardner | Abraham.pdf | ||||||||||
What | Brings | Intentions | to | Mind | - | An | insitu | study | of | prospective | memory | Sellen.PDF | |||||
When | daily | planning | improves | employee | performance | parke | weinhardt.pdf | ||||||||||
Why | are | you | late | Waldum | McDaniel | 2016.pdf | |||||||||||
Zeigarniks | sleepless | nights | Syrek | Wiegelt | peifer | Antoni.pdf |