An Introduction to the Special Report: 8 Edgy Ideas From Time Management 2.0
This free tutorial consists of 27 videos that cover the thinking behind Time Management 2.0. It ends with an interactive video on “Flowing” – a new fundamental that we are exploring that includes an embedded self-assessment. Take our Free Time Management 2.0 Video Tutorial here.
A Brief Tour of the MyTimeDesign Classroom
.I recorded a 10 minute tour of the MyTimeDesign 2.0.Professional classroom, and the link to the post can be accessed here....
Permanently Fixing the Weekly Review .
The Weekly Review is a problem for many people who use time management systems that rely on heavy listing, including Getting Things Done (GTD®.) The time it takes, and the effort required is unavoidable as long as one isn’t taking advantage of the latest tools to upgrade the way they schedule their time. The 29 minutes that this video takes is well worth the time.
The 6 Surprising Mistakes that GTD®ers Make
The 6 videos that are available are actually follow-up’s from the e-book that I wrote on the same topic. The information on obtaining the videos is given when you sign up for the ebook. Each video is about 5 minutes long. Click here to be taken to the sign-up page. ...
Why Do Most People Fail to Implement a Time Management System?
I never did complete this series of videos — instead, it became the template for the 20 videos I did on FAQ’s and SAQ’s. It’s about 7 minutes long and can be found here..
Promotional Video for Jan 20, 2011 event in Nassau, Bahamas
Time Management for the Global Minded Professional
A Speech on “How I’m Choosing a Smartphone”
An Interview on Information Overload Day on Oct 20, 2010
An Interview on TVJ on the “Why Jamaicans Have to Migrate to Become Productive” – Dec 2010
An Interview on TVJ on “How to Do More With Less” – January 2013
Interview with Peter Gales of MoreVida Reviews. I was recently interviewed by Peter Gales of MoreVidaReviews, a site that gathers training feedback. We talked about the 2Time approach, and what would be included in the upcoming release of MyTimeDesign. Click here to be taken to the post that includes the clip, which was broken into three parts (10 minutes each)
Introductory Video for MyTimeDesign 1.0.Free Enrollment (Aug 2010)