You’re likely to notice some changes in the format of this newsletter as I head into the last stages of editing my new book: Perfect Time-Based Productivity. It’s due out in a month or so, but its content is causing me to make some big changes to my blog and also this newsletter / ezine.
The reason is simple: I am determined to honor and share the research findings I uncovered while writing the book, which is the best way to acknowledge the scientists who have worked quietly behind the scenes to further our knowledge.
As you may know, I havea library of over 120 time management research papers, most of which are peer reviewed. However, to complete the book, I had to go much further afield due to the interdisciplinary nature of the field. I saved over 400 papers, and reviewed many others, from fields such as psychology, adult learning, child development, industrial engineering, process management and brain science. Each individual paper I read seemed to contribute a small piece, but not very much by itself. I had to read lots of source documents to pull together a coherent picture.
To my knowledge, the book is the only one that brings together these many points of view. While they all made a contribution, I had to leave a lot of good ideas behind – there was simply no space in the book to include them all. One example is the concept of a “goal intention” – the commitments that lie behind the activities you undertake each day.
These ideas deserve to be aired, shared and debated, using more than anecdotes. For example, in my book I address the fact that “time management” doesn’t exist – and the research behind that assertion. At the same time, there are a number of recent YouTube videos which say the very same thing. The difference is that these videos are based on anecdotes – not one mentions the research that’s actually been done.
It’s a good example of what’s missing in this field – a solid link between people doing actual experiments, academics who have completed studies over the years and professionals who are looking for a solid foundation on which to make real improvements. This foundation needs to be made up of more than a bunch of interesting stories and “just-copy-what-I-do” exhortations.
This is why I’d like to take the blog and ezine on the 2Time Labs website to a new place, distinct from the past in which it’s been more of an all-purpose blog. Now, I’ll be narrowing it’s focus down to be just a source of applied research ideas, inspired by the following websites which I think serve similar goals:
Kathryn Welds – Kathryn Welds Curated Research and Commentary
Eric Barker – Barking Up the Wrong Tree
Once the book is available to the general public I can relax a bit – there’s no need to repeat its contents and I’ll be free to build on the tapestry of ideas it represents. I will assume (rightly or wrongly) that a blog post reader has already read the book, then build from a common point of understanding to go more in depth, into new territory.
I’m excited about what I can accomplish in this new format, because there are a lot of ideas I’m eager to explore, including one very basic notion – “Does time exist?” (My search for experts willing to speak to this particular has been unsuccessful.)
The 2Time Labs podcast will follow along the same lines, as I seek out researchers and authors who can move our collective knowledge forward (i.e. and not just repeat the usual anecdotes, stories and lists.)
What if This Isn’t For You?
It’s likely that there are some subscribers who aren’t interested in the depth of time-based productivity. If that’s the case, I have a solution. My subscribers over at my book’s website – – are going to also enjoy a revamp. I’ll be creating a new ezine or set of updates that is intended for immediate application, as if you were in one of my classes.
Once again, my book will be a useful starting points, as it includes all the forms I use in my live and online training programs plus summaries of all the core concepts. Anyone who has read it, will find that the website’s mailing list will be an invaluable way to learn how to implement the plans they developed while reading the book.
It’s goal is to be practical and down-to-earth, but based as much as possible on the studies shared in book and on the 2Time Labs website. I’m hoping it will provide some relief for those who want to implement new practices immediately, but want to know that there is something behind it other than the author’s personality.
For Those Who Are Experts – or Aspire to Be Experts
Of course, I’ll still have the website for those who are time advisers (trainers, coaches, consultants, professional organizers) at I have also opened up a new content oriented mailing list for those who are bloggers, authors or researchers. It’s a way for me to to give pointers to research that I’m not using – breakthrough content that can be turned into blogs, white papers, podcasts and more. More information on that list can be found here.
For Everyone Else
Of course, I’ll continue to update Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus and Pinterest but these are more “by the way” channels than essentials to the direction in which I’m headed. You will receive updates as usual.
You may be someone who decides it’s not for you at all and unsubscribe, which I understand. Thanks for being a reader or subscriber!