Quora Update – Recent questions I’m Answering

I continue to enjoy Quora – the question and answer website in which thought-leaders can interact with other users in a close, social network.

It’s a great opportunity to bring the latest research, plus the ideas here at 2Time Labs, with a much wider audience. Here are some of the questions I have answered recently. Take a moment to go through them and find and read the responses. Then, take a moment to Follow me on my profile page if you’d like to see my responses in the future.

What are some time management and task organization apps to replace Timeful when they shut down?

How should I manage my time properly?

Discover the science of time management [Research]

Here’s a new way to discover the research data behind time management – especially the stuff that’s most recent. Simply follow my hashtag “#scienceoftimemanagement” on Twitter. (Sometimes it shows up without the hashtag – just “scienceoftimemanagement.”)

It’s simple. I have two Twitter accounts – @2TimeLabs and @fwade. The first one sticks to the scientific findings I have discovered in academic papers that have been rigorously peer-reviewed. These studies typically involve hundreds of people and build (one step at a time) on the foundation of prior studies. They are very different from bloggers who wake up in the morning with good ideas and turn them into SEO-optimized, Top 10 posts before lunch-time!

The second one, @fwade, is may daily account that send out all manner of content related to time management. It picks up the best feeds from around the internet and RT’s them, while adding on the best content I can find on a daily basis. You won’t find me tweeting about my non-existent cats, or the reasons why Trump shouldn’t be elected President. It all about one topic – time-based productivity and all its variations.

Enjoy them both by visiting their pages and I’ll see you over there.



Technology that Stops Time Grabbers’ Bad Behavior Around Meetings

Time Grabbers are colleagues who have found novel ways to waste your time. In this column, I explore their ability to do so via meetings that either should never have been called, or are badly run. I suggest a few technologies that already exist plus a new one that I hope someone will invent soon.

Each of them can help your organization cut an important source of waste out of the picture in the new year, while giving you back a little piece of your peace of mind.

Click here to read the article on Medium.