This is a snapshot of the papers in my private library, as of August 20, 2018. These papers cover topics in time-based productivity related to the existence of time management.
Document | Name | |||||||||||||||
A | Diary | Study | of | Task | Switching | and | Interruptions | Czerwinski | Horvitz | Wilhite.pdf | ||||||
A | multi-dimension | scheduler | supporting | critics | desouza | filho | dourish.pdf | |||||||||
Alarms | and | Notification | overload | Johns | Hopkins | White | Paper.pdf | |||||||||
Cognitive | abilities | interfaces | and | tasks | prospective | Gwizdka.pdf | ||||||||||
DEsigning | for | authoring | and | sharing | of | advanced | personalization | haraty.pdf | ||||||||
Determining | the | use | of | technological | tool | use | Bicen.pdf | |||||||||
Empirical | Assessment | of | individuals | personal | information | management | Jones | Thomas.pdf | ||||||||
Gate | reminder | a | design | case | of | a | smart | designer | kim.pdf | |||||||
GoSlow | designing | for | slowenss | reflection | solitude | cheng | leshed | 2011.pdf | ||||||||
Group | and | individual | time | management | tools | - | what | you | get | is | not | what | you | need | Blandford | Green.pdf |
How | Personal | Task | Management | Differs | Across | Individuals | Haraty | 2015 | draft.pdf | |||||||
Human-Computer | Interaction | 2005 | Special | Issue | Literature | Review.pdf | ||||||||||
I | lie | to | myself | that | I | have | freedom | in | my | schedule | productivity | tools | Leshed | Sengers | 2011.pdf | |
Meeting | the | objectives | of | personal | activity | scheduling | through | post-optimization | Alexiadis | Refanidis.pdf | ||||||
Notifications | and | awareness | iqbal | Horvitz | 2010.pdf | |||||||||||
On | scheduling | events | and | tasks | by | an | intelligent | assistant | Refanidis | Yorke-Smith.pdf | ||||||
Slowing | down | with | personal | productivity | tools | leshed.pdf | ||||||||||
Software | or | Wetware | kalnikaite | whittaker.pdf | ||||||||||||
Supporting | Collaborative | Task | Management | in | Whittaker.pdf | |||||||||||
The | brain | in | your | barr.pdf | ||||||||||||
wrik | mobile | productivity | report-2016.pdf |