Microsoft Outlook Team Blog

I mentioned in a prior post that I have been looking for someplace on the internet where I could find a serious discussion about the philosphy behind Microsoft Outlook. I hoped that it would include those who developed the software. Well, I found a website that might be serious. Check out this link: I …

Outlook Newsletter

This looks to me like a pretty in-depth newsletter on how best to use Outlook. I don’t think it gets into the design of the software, but it seems to get into some useful distinctions about how best to manage tasks. Once again, however, the system described happens to match the one that the author …

Outlook 2007 Comments

I repeat my opinion that Microsoft Outlook is designed by “feature addition”, rather than driven by a useful philosophy of time management. Programmers with weak time management skills themselves will look for tips that they can hard-wire into the code, thus making it easier to do trivial things, but perhaps harder to do some of …

Outlook Community

Just curious, but does anyone know of a place online where people discuss how Microsoft Outlook can be used, and improved? Let me know!