My Smartphone Scorecard

Here is my ongoing analysis of the changes that would occur with the purchase of a smartphone. Both tables are works in progress that I intend to update through the end of the year. This table is an estimate of the impact that new smartphone features would have on my productivity, convenience and and efficiency.  …

Microsoft’s Research Revealed Email Problems Back in 2000

This must be the week for research and reflection, because I am once again writing about a piece of research that I have found that has some interesting findings. This article is entitled “Supporting Email Flow“and it’s authored by Gina Danielle Venolia, Laura Dabbish, JJ Cadiz and Anoop Gupta. It’s a little dated, as it …

Ritual Building

I came across an article on the Harvard Business Review website entitled “An 18-Minute Plan for starting Your Day.” It’s an interesting take on the value of rituals, and how they build competence over time. Here on the 2Time blog, I have written a great deal about the essential nature of habits, and how they …