Blogs on Productivity

The following blogs on productivity are pretty useful to know:

Personal Productivity Required Reading List: 100 Kick-butt Lifehacking Blogs

Lifehacking is all about finding ways to streamline and improve your life. These bloggers can help you do just that, offering clever tricks and tips for making your everyday life more effective. Check them out for some of the best ingenuity the Internet has to offer.

Top Ten
The bloggers in our top ten are lifehack experts, even if they don’t know it yet. They offer excellent resources and can provide a wealth of knowledge that’s sure to help you kick things up a notch.

  1. Get Rich Slowly: More money, more problems? Not at Get Rich Slowly. JD Roth’s blog offers well written, real life ways to get and keep your finances in order.
  2. Lifehacker: Technology can help you work more efficiently, but often it just offers more distraction. Lifehacker helps readers cut through the fat, offering tips for software, websites and other life hacks that save time and energy.
  3. Dumb Little Man: Jay White started this blog because he was tired of “recreating the wheel” whenever he tried something new. Jay’s documented his own life tips as well as the lessons he’s learned from others, to create a knowledge resource focused on saving time and making life easier.
  4. 43 Folders: Merlin Mann’s 43 Folders offers tips on time management, efficiency, stress reduction and other shortcuts for life.
  5. Steve Pavlina: Steve Pavlina used to be a grand theft auto inmate. Now, he’s a personal development guru, offering advice on self employment, giving up coffee, self discipline, and even the meaning of life.
  6. Lifehack: Not to be confused with Lifehacker, Lifehack focuses on methods to improve your lifestyle. Topics include productivity, money, communication and more.
  7. Zen Habits: Zen Habits helps you hack your life by implementing good habits. This includes achieving goals, motivating yourself, simplifying and being happy.
  8. Ririan Project: Ririan focuses on life with achievement and balance. This blog offers techniques for getting the most out of life, time, money and more.
  9. Web Worker Daily: Web Worker Daily delivers how-tos, time saving software applications, and other productivity tips for those that make their living online.
  10. LifeDev: LifeDev offers readers high quality posts on personal development and productivity. Read this blog for information on how to get things done, as well as find tools to help you work better.