Just in case you didn’t notice, or are reading the RSS feed, I just wanted to let you know that I have added an Audio tab that leads to a page with podcasts all related to 2Time,
The podcasts include an introduction to 2Time as well as a recent interview done with a friend of mine, Peter Gales, who has a website that focuses on the “The Practice of Your Life.”
We discovered that our thinking happens to be very similar — which came as a surpris, because we only knew each other socially until recently. He is helping people to find ways of getting more out of their lives by seeing them as opportunities to practice.
Here is the link to the podcast that can be heard here or downloaded with a right click, and then choosing “Save Link As.”:
[audio:PeterGales.mp3| leftbg=0xFFCC00|rightbg=0xFFCC00|lefticon=ox000000|righticon=0x000000]