A few hours ago, I finished scanning the last front page of the time management articles I have collected over the years.
How many? Some 78 articles.
In one fell swoop I established the single best source of academic information on the topic. I can say this with some confidence simply because I have searched high and low, hard and long to find these articles. In some cases, they are out of print, and there are many I just gave up on ever finding.
Some are available at a price, exemplifying the fight that’s being waged between scientific publishers and the new availability of Internet articles that’s bypassing them entirely. “Dis-intermediation” they call it.
As I have mentioned in prior posts, in the course of pulling together the best research, I also have not found a single time management-focused department, journal, conference, school or online forum that’s truly open to more than a single approach.
It’s a sorry state, and as I mentioned at the ICD conference, it places us squarely in the Dark Ages.
So, I’m playing my part, I guess, and maybe a grad student here or there will benefit from having a one-stop source of journals and white papers. In that spirit, if I’m missing any research that’s useful, please let me know.